Troubleshooting Guide
If you’re reading this, let me know what happened so I can make this better. That being said, here’s a few things that might help you troubleshoot.
Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. If you’re unsure, start by tailing the logs.
This whole system is built on the docker compose.
To verify that docker is installed and running, run the following command:
Verify Docker is Installed
Verify Docker Containers Running
You should see something like:
Start Docker Containers
Depending on your system running ./
or ./start.bat
should start the containers.
If that fails, you can try to start the containers manually.
Using GPU
Using CPU
You can test the ollama container by popping on to the container and running a model
Testing a model
Express App
This is the interface to the rest of the system.
Testing the app
If you aren’t getting a response from the express app, you can test it by running the following command:
(curl isn’t installed in the container, so you’ll have to use the node repl)
That should return something like;