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Install Guide

  1. Purchase AI in a Box from the shop

    Download the server zip file, and the globally scoped app xml file.

  2. Send and extract the zip file to your server

    This part is hard to automate because it’s different for each system. Here’s a general idea of what you need to do.

    You can send the file to your server using scp, rsync, or magic-wormhole. Assuming you downloaded the zip file to your local machine, you can run the following command to send it to your server.

    Send with scp

    # Send the file to your server to a common directory
    # scp /path/to/your/downloaded/ user@yourserver:/opt/aiinabox
    # can't do that because /opt/aiinabox doesn't exist yet
    scp /path/to/your/downloaded/ user@yourserver:/tmp
    # Connect to your server
    ssh user@yourserver
    # Extract the file
    mkdir /opt/aiinabox
    mv /tmp/ /opt/aiinabox
    cd /opt/aiinabox

    Send with rsync

    # Send the file to your server
    rsync /path/to/your/downloaded/ user@yourserver:/opt/aiinabox
    # Connect to your server
    ssh user@yourserver
    # Extract the file
    cd /opt/aiinabox

    Send with magic-wormhole

    # Send the file to your server
    wormhole send /path/to/your/downloaded/
    # outputs a code like 3-cute-foxes
    # Connect to your server
    ssh user@yourserver
    # Download the file and extract it
    cd /opt/aiinabox
    wormhole receive 3-cute-foxes
  3. Run the install script

    This will do the following

    1. Ask for you to accept the license
    2. Check if docker is installed and if not, ask to install it.
    3. Ask you to give a username and password
    4. Create a file at ./app/.env
    5. Start the docker containers
    # Run the install script
    cd opt/aiinabox/dist
    chmod +x

    If you have trouble getting Docker, you can manually install as described on the Get Docker page.

  4. Install the Update Set in ServiceNow

    Go to the Retrieved Update Set module and import the xml file you downloaded.

    Open the imported update set. Click Preview Update Set and then Commit Update Set.

    Once installed, navigate to the AI in a Box Settings and fill out the settings.

    • Credential: This is the basic auth record. (using the username and password you set earlier)
    • Mid Server: Named mid server you want to use.
    • Endpoint: Endpoint that the application server will run on. This needs to be accessible by the mid server selected. It will end in :8080 as that’s the port the application server runs on.
    • Model: This is the model you want to use. You can click the + to load the list of models.

    A few useful links here;